Starting Again
Over the last few years I have become more interested in engaging with the seasons of the Church calendar. I know that as a child our church followed a regular liturgy that included a focus on the seasons. Advent, Lent, etc…were all times of the year that meant something.
I didn’t really notice.
Yet, as I grow older and look around our world, I think there is something critically important to mark the rhythms of life with these seasons.
This year my younger brother, Dave, asked about Lent sharing that he wanted to intentionally engage with it. We are three days in and I’m sitting here pondering the readings from the week and the prayers that I’ve been meditating on and I’m struck with an overwhelming sense of gratitude.
I’ve been feeling restless since the Fall when my house was emptied of children. I needed to start again.
Lent, is providing a touchstone for starting again.
Many Christians this past Wednesday went to worship and received ashes on their foreheads. These ashes were from the palms of last year’s Palm Sunday worship. It is a reminder of the death and resurrection of Christ.
I’m struck that Lent is a time to start again.
When we start again, we start with the acknowledgement of death and the fragility of life. I suppose that’s why many give something up during this season. But, I’m finding that I’m more inclined to start something.
I’m starting a new intention of reading and praying and meditating on Scripture. I’m starting a new intention of being more present with my family.
As I meditate on the death of Christ my mind is almost immediately drawn to the resurrection and the hope of starting again.