Today’s photblog challenge: patience

    The journey toward health in whatever area demands patience.

    Wednesdays are great days because they end with bowling league and time with fantastic friends.

    March 14, 2023 #3goodthings

    1. An unreal conversation that lasted hours with a new friend.

    2. A massive incline workout.

    3. Ice cold beer.


    Today’s photoblog challenge, horizon. One of my favorite views in Ypsi.

    Here are #3goodthings from yesterday, March 13, 2023:

    1. The dinner I cooked up was dang good

    2. My son sent me a picture of the fantastic meal he cooked

    3. I rested


    I did the thing today. 💪

    workout log

    Day 13 of the Photblogging Challenge: connection

    I have learned the critical importance of connection to my body. Working out has been crucial to that process. I live a lot in my head and trying to figure out how live embodied has a been a journey.

    me at the gym

    On Rest

    As I meditate this morning on rest I am struck by the fact that I don’t do it well.

    My inclination is distraction. To turn on the television and watch something. To fill my ears with sound. To give my mind a distraction away from whatever is happening inside it. Some turn to drugs or alcohol, for me it’s shows.

    Distraction and rest are not the same.

    Rest, a true rest, I’m learning is a quieting of the mind and an unburdening of the soul. This can’t be done, for me, with the screen running. I am learning of my need to be present to my story and not simply getting lost in the telling of another’s.

    It is amazing what happens when I turn to the quiet the numerous thoughts that fill my mind. The weight of my calling comes fully to bear and a near sense of panic drifts in. If I can press through the initial moments of this and then turn my attention toward the Divine and offering the weight of life to the Divine.

    It is in the offering that I experience rest.

    bible ofes flapping in the breeze overlooking water

    Mondays are my favorite day of the week. This is the day that I catch my breath. #Today, I stop and look around and rest a bit.

    I enjoy unhurried coffee, unhurried exercise, and unhurried reading.

    Perhaps, I may even write ✍️ today!

    Come hang out with me Tuesday night!


    Does anyone have a FOSS alternative for Facebook events that they like?

    Here are #3goodthings for March 12, 2023

    1. An amazing breakfast conversation with a good friend.

    2. I think my sermon didn’t suck.

    3. There was no traffic between Ypsilanti and Flint!


    Today’s phot blog prompt is, shiny.

    This ring is the shiniest thing I own and yet it pales in comparison to the one whom it represents.

    I have finally figured out my approach to this whole fediverse thing. Thankful to finally have found micro.blog and so now the consolidation has begun. I can finally have one place for all my social musings as well as photos and long form writing!

    I have finally figured out my approach to this whole fediverse thing. Thankful to finally have found micro.blog and so now the consolidation has begun. I can finally have one place for all my social musings as well as photos and long form writing!

    If the Red Wings can hold on and win this game, it would be such a great win. It points to the reality that they are truly improving. The Yzerplan is real. 🏒

    I have posted this week’s message, “Acts 4:23-31 - When the Bad Happens”


    How about #3goodthings for March 11, 2023?

    1. We arrived home safely from Florida

    2. Naps!

    3. Quality time with my Aunt Mo


    Photo blogging challenge for March 11, gimcrack.

    Here are #3goodthings for March 10, 2023

    1. A quiet gorgeous morning on the patio.

    2. Breakfast with some of my favorite people, but Libby in particular.

    3. Sitting in the shade at a ball field.


    Jumping in for the Micro Blog photoblog challenge for March.

    March 10: Ritual

    The morning coffee…

    Currently reading: The World-Ending Fire by Wendell Berry 📚

    As I continue to slowly work my way through this text, I am reminded that I live too fast. I don’t savor life and am rarely as present as I would like to be.

    One last delightful warm and sunny morning before returning to the misery that is Michigan’s March.

    One last morning in the warmth.

    #3goodthings for March 9, 2023

    1. A cool morning

    2. Gorgeous weather for baseball

    3. A good walk

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