I’ve been reflecting a bit today on 15 years of ordained ministry. It’s been harder and better than I could have ever imagined.

I think often of the kind people who graciously walked alongside me as I got my footing as a pastor all those years ago at a local church in Farmington Hills, MI: Grace Chapel. I am so grateful that my ordination exams were held there and that I got to do them alongside a good friend, Jared Dilley.

As I think about the influence of Doug Walker and Robert Smart, who taught me to love the local church, I realize again that God is sovereign and good.

Today, I am left with an even greater sense of calling and hope.

Amy Rose, continues to be an amazing partner in life and ministry as, together, we chase down this call.

I pinch myself often that the folks in Ypsilanti and Flint are gracious enough to let me care for them.