Good morning! May you be fully present with those in your life today. #MorningMug

Good morning! May your week be marked by caring for people. #MorningMug

Good morning! May you connect with people who love you today. #MorningMug

So grateful to celebrate my Dad’s 75th today with all my siblings.

From Bonhoeffer on the command to love our neighbor and enemy. This was from a talk he gave to a student organization at the end of 1932.

I am really bad at this. I need to grow.

Good morning! May you breathe today. #MorningMug

I am still processing this quote from my reading last night. This is part of Bonhoeffer’s conclusion on a talk on the prayer, “Thy kingdom come.”

Too often the American Church has derided struggle as a sign of not keeping “in step with the Spirit.”

Yet, as we read the Scripture we see over and over again that struggle is central to inbreaking of the kingdom of God.

Good morning! May you set your mind on the good and beautiful today. #MorningMug

This is a quotation from Bonhoeffer’s catechism. It strikes me as very timely.

Good morning! May you love well today. #MorningMug

Sometimes a cold beer and a quiet pub are what one needs to get necessary work accomplished.

Good morning. May you be gracious to yourself and others today. #MorningMug

Good morning! May your conscience be clear and may you love well today. #MorningMug

Good morning! May your Monday be one marked by grace. #MorningMug

Good morning! May you experience peace today. #MorningMug

Good morning! May your joy be renewed today. #MorningMug

Friday lift. #Grit 💪

Good morning! May you remember those who have helped you become the person you are today on this All Saints Day. #MorningMug

Good morning! May you only receive treats today. #MorningMug

Good morning! May you set your mind on whatever is noble today. #MorningMug

Pastoral Thoughts on Election 2024

We are one week away from an election in the United States. It’s an election that has once again proved to be quite contentious. People are walking away from friends and family who are voting differently from them. I am watching churches devour themselves over politics. There are factions and dissensions that are rising in every corner of our society. In so many ways we continue to walk away from the way of love.

As a pastor there is a constant pressure to support this candidate or that candidate. I have been private messaged more times than I can to admit about why I do not talk about politics from the pulpit or on my social media.

Here’s the thing, everything I preach is politics. Anytime I write about faith or the way of Jesus, it is politics.

Good morning! May you set your mind on what is true today. #MorningMug

Monday lift. Starting the week strong. 💪

Good morning! May your week begin by choosing joy. #MorningMug

Good morning! May you solve your word puzzles in one today. #MorningMug