Just running a little test post. 

    March 9, 2023

    The post March 9, 2023 first appeared on Daniel M Rose.

    Sitting outside on a blissfully cool morning in central Florida, reading, meditating, and drinking coffee; I’m not sure that life gets much better.

    I’m so grateful.

    March 8, 2023 #3goodthings

    1. Coffee with Amy
    2. Conversations with E
    3. The dinner conversation with Amy, E, Dennis, and Jeanne


    This one kicked my butt. #challenge

    I am beginning to learn that to love well demands a letting go of ego as much as it is an embracing of the other.

    In so many ways, the former is way more difficult than the latter.

    On Tuesday evenings I host a time of intentional conversation. I’d love for you to join me on Tuesday, March 14 at 8 pm.


    It’s hard to believe that this was 16 years ago. But now, here we are. Both of these two little ones are grown and living their best lives. Ethan is spending his Spring Break playing baseball. Libby is spending hers on the beach with friends.

    Amy and I are joyfully resting.

    March 7, 2023 #3goodthings

    1. A quiet morning reading Scripture, Wendell Berry, Richard Rohr, and TS Eliot
    2. Watched some good baseball
    3. Wings!


    March 6, 2023 #3goodthings

    1. I worked out

    2. For whatever reason, my coffee was particularly delicious today

    3. I got to spend some great time with a good friend and mentor

    My favorite feature of the house we are staying at in FL may be the patio ceiling fan. This area is always shaded and this fan makes it so comfortable when you’re done with the sun.

    March 5, 2023 #3goodthings

    1. I got to cook a delicious dinner for my family

    2. Hitting golf balls for the first time since November

    3. Spending the afternoon with E

    March 4,2023 #3goodthings

    1. Morning coffee on the patio

    2. Staying on schedule with eating even on vacation

    3. Perfect weather


    Currently reading: The World-Ending Fire by Wendell Berry 📚

    Sitting outdoors and enjoying a cuppa, a good read, fresh air, and sunshine may be my favorite way to start a day. #goodlife #emptynest

    March 3, 2023 #3goodthings

    1. The sun was shining and warm

    2. The joy of my son on a baseball diamond

    3. Spending an afternoon outside watching baseball


    This is what it’s all about.

    Life is good.

    That morning coffee hits different when you’ve been driving all night! #baseballparents

    March 2, 2023 #3goodthings

    1. Ethan and Libby got to their spring break destinations safely.

    2. I took a nap.

    3. Road tripping with Amy to Florida by ourselves for the first time since 2001.


    I’m intrigued by indieweb rsvp. But, I’m missing how to create an event. Where does one do that?

    I forgot yesterday’s #3goodthings!

    So, #3goodthings for March 1, 2023:

    1. I cleared a pre-travel to do list
    2. I enjoyed time at my favorite coffee shop
    3. We had bowling league last night and it was a great time with good friends


    Life Must Be Lived Forward

    Do you ever read something or hear something that you just know is true? I bumped into a quote today from the Danish philosopher, Søren Kierkegaard, “Life must be lived forward, but it can only be understood backward.(Rohr, Richard. Wondrous Encounters : Scripture for Lent (p. 32). Franciscan Media. Kindle Edition.)

    I have been meditating on it all day.

    It’s just stuck my mind like a splinter in the brain. It’s like I can’t escape it.

    Life must lived forward…

    We can’t stop it. Life is going to do what life does regardless of what want. There are times when my adult children are home and I walk into their rooms and they are sleeping and as I look on their faces I can seethe child that they once were. Perhaps this is the desire many of us have to slow time. We can’t slow it down.

    It’s not possible.

    Life will be lived. As Ian Malcolm in Jurassic Park says, “Life always finds a way.” We cannot slow time, we cannot stop time, life must be lived. The sooner we accept the reality that life is moving forward the sooner we can embrace it.

    Life can only be understood backwards…

    In the midst of the living and the ticking of the clock we will struggle to find understanding and meaning. Instead of trying to find the meaning in the moment we might want to consider seeking to live fully in the moment first.

    I wonder, what have I missed in my life by trying to perceive the meaning in the moment as opposed to living into it? How much joy have I robbed myself of?

    Life is understood backward. As we look back on life with the perspective of time and experience we are able to see the meaning of the past moment.

    I so desperately want to free myself from demanding meaning in the moment. I want to embrace it for itself. I want to be right here and right now as fully as I can be.

    Perhaps this is the way to learn to be content in every situation?

    Life Must Be Lived Forward

    Do you ever read something or hear something that you just know is true? I bumped into a quote today from the Danish philosopher, Søren Kierkegaard, “Life must be lived forward, but it can only be understood backward.(Rohr, Richard. Wondrous Encounters : Scripture for Lent (p. 32). Franciscan Media. Kindle Edition.)

    I have been meditating on it all day.

    It’s just stuck my mind like a splinter in the brain. It’s like I can’t escape it.

    Life must lived forward…

    We can’t stop it. Life is going to do what life does regardless of what want. There are times when my adult children are home and I walk into their rooms and they are sleeping and as I look on their faces I can seethe child that they once were. Perhaps this is the desire many of us have to slow time. We can’t slow it down.

    It’s not possible.

    Life will be lived. As Ian Malcolm in Jurassic Park says, “Life always finds a way.” We cannot slow time, we cannot stop time, life must be lived. The sooner we accept the reality that life is moving forward the sooner we can embrace it.

    Life can only be understood backwards…

    In the midst of the living and the ticking of the clock we will struggle to find understanding and meaning. Instead of trying to find the meaning in the moment we might want to consider seeking to live fully in the moment first.

    I wonder, what have I missed in my life by trying to perceive the meaning in the moment as opposed to living into it? How much joy have I robbed myself of?

    Life is understood backward. As we look back on life with the perspective of time and experience we are able to see the meaning of the past moment.

    I so desperately want to free myself from demanding meaning in the moment. I want to embrace it for itself. I want to be right here and right now as fully as I can be.

    Perhaps this is the way to learn to be content in every situation?

    The post Life Must Be Lived Forward first appeared on Daniel M Rose.

    Life Must Be Lived Forward

    An hour glass

    Do you ever read something or hear something that you just know is true? I bumped into a quote today from the Danish philosopher, Søren Kierkegaard, “Life must be lived forward, but it can only be understood backward.(Rohr, Richard. Wondrous Encounters : Scripture for Lent (p. 32). Franciscan Media. Kindle Edition.)"

    I have been meditating on it all day.

    It’s just stuck my mind like a splinter in the brain. It’s like I can’t escape it.

    Life must lived forward…

    We can’t stop it. Life is going to do what life does regardless of what want. There are times when my adult children are home and I walk into their rooms and they are sleeping and as I look on their faces I can see the child that they once were. Perhaps this is the desire many of us have to slow time. We can’t slow it down.

    It’s not possible.

    Life will be lived. As Ian Malcolm in Jurassic Park says, “Life always finds a way.” We cannot slow time, we cannot stop time, life must be lived. The sooner we accept the reality that life is moving forward the sooner we can embrace it.

    Life can only be understood backwards…

    In the midst of the living and the ticking of the clock we will struggle to find understanding and meaning. Instead of trying to find the meaning in the moment we might want to consider seeking to live fully in the moment first.

    I wonder, what have I missed in my life by trying to perceive the meaning in the moment as opposed to living into it? How much joy have I robbed myself of?

    Life is understood backward. As we look back on life with the perspective of time and experience we are able to see the meaning of the past moment.

    I so desperately want to free myself from demanding meaning in the moment. I want to embrace it for itself. I want to be right here and right now as fully as I can be.

    Perhaps this is the way to learn to be content in every situation?

    an hour glass next to some flowers
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