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The #OldGal and I both scored 5s today. I am confident there is a #YoungPup out there with a 4 or better.

Good morning! May you choose contentment in the face of consumerism today. #MorningMug

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The #OldGal scored a 3 this morning. She’s feisty! Is there a miracle 2 #YoungPups?

The Unexpected Joy of Overcoming Fear

Have you ever done something that you were afraid to do and then discovered that you actually enjoyed it?

This might sound a little silly, but I was really afraid to drive. I used to be afraid to drive go-karts, golf carts, and four wheelers. I distinctly remember the first time I was in a go-kart on my own and the fear was palpable. But, then after doing it, I realized that it was so much fun! If I had given in to the fear then I would have missed out on so much.

Throughout the Scriptures there is an oft-repeated phrase, “fear not.” In this brief conversation with Jesus that phrase pops up again…

Good morning! May you choose humility in a world that demands arrogance. #MorningMug

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The #OldGal also posted a 4 today. Hopefully a 3 is out there, #YoungPups!

Good morning! May Christ…

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The #OldGal posted a 3 today, as well. She’s tough. Hopefully, a 2 emerges from the #YoungPups!

My final sermon on Micah: creators.spotify.com/pod/show/…

My final sermon in my little series on Micah:

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Look out! The #OldGal is baaaaaack… she posted a 3 this morning. πŸ™„

Good morning! May you love mercy and extend mercy today. #MorningMug

If you are wrestling with what is happening in the world, I would like to recommend two books to you.

First, please consider reading Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman. It will provide you with some context and grounding for the culture that has grown up around the advent of the screen.

Second, please consider reading The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion by Jonathan Haidt. It will provide you with a scaffolding to help you understand why you think the way you think and just as importantly, why other people think the way they think.

I just finished reading Jesus and the Powers by NT Wright and Michael Bird it was challenging and encouraging in all the right ways.Β I am going to do a little write up on it soon.

Finished reading: Jesus and the Powers by N. T. Wright πŸ“š

Good morning! May you be able to rest today. #MorningMug

#Wordle 1,365 4/6*

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The #OldGal posts a 6 today and we win!

I got to play six holes on our little par three course today. The weather is perfect and it felt good to be back in my happy place.

Styling? Styling.

Aside not beside.

I am noting how nice this looks.

I am alert to seeing this look good.

My friend, @solusspider@polymaths.social, shared this with me today and it made me smile. Hopefully, it will make you smile too.


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The #OldGal also scored a 4 today. Maybe she is cooling off!

Good morning! May you experience the audacity of grace today. #MorningMug

A person holds a mug with "AROHA" written on it in a cozy living room featuring a burning fireplace.

Hey micro.blog community, if you’re able, consider dropping @Mtt a coffee if you use Bayou, Sumo, or Tiny Theme. buymeacoffee.com/mattlangford

Hey @Mtt, if I wanted to use the “note” or “aside” class in a post, how would I do that?

Today, I went to an open AA meeting with my brother, David. I don’t know if I’ve ever witnessed something more beautiful in my entire life.

In so many ways it is what the Church ought to be.

Welcoming, kind, honest, gracious, and authentic. This was no cheap grace either. I am still processing.

When "Enough" Feels Impossible

Do you ever feel like you don’t have what it takes?

There are days when I wake up, consider the tasks before me, and think, “How can I possibly do this?”

Life is messy. It often feels like the world is on fire, and I’m armed with nothing but a nearly empty squirt gun. When I read the news, I see so much work that needs to be done. The world is so vast, yet I am so small. The problems in my neighborhood, my town, my state, my country, and the world are, at times, overwhelming.

There have been times in my life when, just looking at what’s happening within my own family, I don’t think I have what it takes.